Chronological Timeline2-First half of 2020-
This page is about a brief history of Fujii Kaze, accompanied by some comments. Please read this when you want to know the rough outline. For a detailed chronology, please go to “Simple Timeline 1.” Chronological Timeline 1 Before his Debut is HERE. In January, Kaze debuted with the music video for “NAN-NAN” On Jan. 12th, The 2nd live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)” took place. 藤井 風のオールナイトニッポン0 お楽しみいただけましたでしょうか〜☺️? よふかしして聴いてくださった皆様、ありがとうございました! まだの方はradikoで1週間限定で聴けますのでぜひ🤗https://t.co/Oxa4nZRdjb #藤井風ANN0 pic.twitter.com/T6lAHOjZQK — Fujii Kaze Staff (@fujiikazestaff) January 11, 2020 Kaze replied to the listener who said, “The image quality of your cover video is terrible.” with…
Here’s what the day of Kaze’s concert at Panasonic Stadium was like
Hey there, welcome to Get to Know Kaze. I assume you arrived here after watching Fujii Kaze’s LOVE ALL SERVE ALL STADIUM LIVE on Netflix. Well then, you’re one lucky person if that’s the case. Fujii Kaze is sure to add some color to your life and remind you of what’s truly important. This blog post is all about the amazing energy and overall feel of Kaze’s live show at Panasonic Stadium Suita (“Panasta”). Kaze’s concert took place on October 15th and 16th, 2022, and I attended on the latter date. It was hot. Last Updated on Apr 9th, 2023 Since the concert can be viewed on Netflix, this blog will mainly focus…