Simple Timeline1-Until the end of 2020-
Here is a Simple Timeline of Fujii Kaze, with as much detail as possible. I will add any new findings as I make them. Following are all based on official announcements by Kaze himself or relevant parties. For a rough chronology with commentary, go to Chronological Timeline 1.
Last Updated on May 2nd, 2023
- BIRTH On Jun. 14th, Kaze was born as the youngest of four siblings to parents who ran a coffee shop called Mitcham on the outskirts of Satosho, Okayama Prefecture. The names of his brother and sisters are Sora, which means “Sky”, Umi, which means “Sea”, and Riku, which means “Land”. “Kaze” means “Wind”.
- On Jan. 1st, He started posting videos to YouTube. [ COVER VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcB8RaHvjVM&t=13s
- Enrollment In Apr. Kaze enrolled in the Department of Music at Okayama Joto High School.
[ COVER VIDEO ] On Aug.9th, AKB48 “Fortune Cookie in Love” Fujii Kaze YouTube https://youtu.be/WEX5ZKGNFt0
- Zuzzu-san Kaze’s competent manager, Zuzzu-San(Mr. Tomonori Kawazu), contacted Kaze for the first time. Kaze was 21 years old. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Dialy https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/301ce18f-6429-43c8-b0b3-69dae8fa6302
School Festival Kaze appeared at a university festival in Hiroshima on October 21st, 2018. Official HIGE DANdism also performed at the same festival. [ URL ] Hiroshima University of Economics website https://www.hue.ac.jp/campuslife/backnumber.html
- Music Festivall On March 24th, he performed at the Hiroshima Music Stadium-Haruban ’19 rock festival in Hiroshima City. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BvtV73-HyyN/
- NEWS On Mar. 29th, the Fujii Kaze staff Twitter account was started.
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1111572805135458304?s=20
- MOVING Kaze moved to Tokyo.
Source: Music magazine “MUSICA” May 2022 issue [ Amazon ] https://amzn.asia/d/0tUQx8j
- Music Festival On May 3, He appeared at VIVA LA ROCK 2019 in Saitama. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1124270822506426368?s=20
- Travel to NY Mid-May, Kaze went to New York with Zuzzu-san, which was his first trip abroad. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYQFzKH4SQ/
On the 12th, he went to SONY HALL in NY to see “Japan 2019 PRESENTS JAPAN NIGHT” as part of the audience. On that day, the performers included MISIA, as well as the guest act Puffy. [ URL ] JAPAN NIGHT Official Website https://www.japannight.org/
Image source [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BxfLQJHlEXp/
- Music Festival On Jun. 1st, He appeared at SAKAE SP-RING 2019 [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1126321727733002240?s=20
- SHOW On Jul. 10th and 11th, “Fujii Kaze JAZZ & PIANO The First” concerts took place at Mt.RAINIER HALL(The current name is SHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASURE) in Shibuya, Tokyo. [ URL ] SHIBUYA PLEASURE PLEASURE Twitter https://twitter.com/mt_rainier_hall/status/1126694744589983744?s=20
- RADIO On Jul. 28th, He appeared in the first live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)”. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1155183632509624320?s=20
- Summer Festival On Aug.10th, Kaze appeared at TREASURE05X in Nagoya. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1160042103725891585?s=20
- Summer Festival On Aug.11th, He performed at OHARA☆BREAK ‘19 in Fukushima. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B1DBdXAlvXa/
- SHOW On Jul. 20th, “Fujii Kaze JAZZ & PIANO The First” concert took place at The Phoenix Hall in Osaka. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1163807668877721603?s=20 [ URL ] The Phoenix Hall Official Site https://phoenixhall.jp/performance/2019/08/20/11162/
- Summer Festival On Aug. 25th, He Appeared at MONSTER baSH 2019 in Kagawa. [ URL ]MONSTER baSH Official Site https://www.monsterbash.jp/history_2019.html Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter [ URL ] https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1165624559455764480?s=20
- Summer Festival On Sep. 20th, Kaze performed at Sweet Love Shower 2019 in Yamanashi.
Fujii Kaze Instagram [ URL ] https://www.instagram.com/p/B2oJm4altMd/
Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter [ URL ] https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1167647639854178306?s=20
On Sep. 19th, “September – Earth Wind & Fire” cover [ COVER VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkrz36L75ZI
Music FestivalOn Oct.12th, FM802 30PARTY MINAMI WHEEL 2019 was canceled due to a typhoon. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1182227059365404674?s=20
- Release On Nov. 17th, “Nan-Nan” was released as a distribution single from HEHN RECORDS / UNIVERSAL SIGMA. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1196079455858413569?s=20
※Fujii Kaze’s debut did not occur on this day, but rather on the day that the music video for “NAN-NAN” was released. This is not an EP. - SHOW On Nov. 17th, 22-year-old Kaze performed a one-man live show at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA, formerly known as Shibuya Public Hall. [ VIDEO ] “NAN-NAN” live short movie Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08ZsLcC5iUs
- Release On Dec. 24th, the second distribution single “MO-EH-WA” was released. This is not an EP. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1209127158347485184?s=20
In Jan. Kaze debuted with the music video for “NAN-NAN.”
- RADIO On Jan. 12th, The 2nd live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)” took place. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1216087215832322048?s=20
- MV DEBUT On Jan. 24th, the music video for his debut song “NAN-NAN” was released. This was Fujii Kaze’s debut day. [ MV ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt6ZwuVzOS4 It was live-streamed just before the release, and the music video premiered on YouTube.
- Release On Jan. 24th, “NAN-NAN” EP was released. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1220379429781663744?s=20
The following three songs are piano-arranged covers.
2. Close to you
3. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
4. Shake It Off - RADIO On Jan. 26th, He guested on J-WAVE TOKIO HOT 100. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1219523174859264003?s=20
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Photo Gallery “NAN-NAN” Cover BTS
In Feb. 2nd single “MO-EH-WA” was released.
- NEWS On Feb. 1st, He was selected for Amazon Music’s “Artists to Watch in 2020.” [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1223497003620921345?s=20
- MV On Feb. 21st, The music video for “MO-EH-WA” was released. It was live-streamed just before the release. [ MV ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4FYCJRjHBg
- Release On Feb. 21st, “MO-EH-WA” EP was released.
The following three songs are piano-arranged covers.
2. Shape Of you
3. Back Stabbers
4. Be Alright
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1230493104383262720?s=20
In Mar. Numerous events are canceled.
EVENTOn Mar. 10th, Spotify Early Night TYO was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Music FestivalOn Mar. 21st, He was scheduled to perform at SANUKI ROCK COLOSSEUM 2020 – MONSTER baSH × I♡RADIO 786, but the event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.EVENTRADIO On Mar. 27th, He was supposed to appear at AIR-G’ present Sparkle Sparkler in Sapporo, but the event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But Kaze appeared on Hokkaido radio from Tokyo on the 26th. [ URL ] Air’G Supercool Twitter https://twitter.com/AIRG_Supercool/status/1241940191373189120?s=20
In Apr. “YASASHISA” was released.
- MV Release On Apr. 17th, The music video for “YASASHISA” was released. It was live-streamed just before release. [ MV ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzhTpIIQR5I
Music FestivalOn Apr. 25th, ARABAKI ROCK FEST.20 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.- Livestream On Apr. 26th, Piano Live Streaming Day 1 [ VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7rocDArYVw
Image Source [ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Photo Gallery https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/7cd5bb5a-e993-49b8-8665-37aa40521236
In May, After the first album was released, Kaze made many appearances on the radio.
Music FestivalOn May 3rd, VIVA LA ROCK 2020 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.- Livestream On May 6th, Piano Live Streaming Day 2 [ VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzKqK-wOwBE
- RADIO On May 13th, He appeared on MARK’E MUSIC MODE. [ URL ] MARK’E MUSIC MODE Twitter https://twitter.com/MARKEMUSICMODE/status/1260467300806856704?s=20
- RADIO On May 14th, Kaze appeared on ROCK KIDS 802 OCHIKEN Goes ON!! [ URL ] ROCK KIDS Twitter https://twitter.com/RK802STAFF/status/1260904882141196289?s=20
- MV On May 15th, The music video “Kiri Ga Naikara” was released. Prior to the MV release, there was also a live stream. [ MV ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9f-tksBZ1Wk
Music FestivalOn May 15th, METROCK 2020 in Osaka was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.- RADIO On May 16th, Kaze appeared on MAGIC NUMBER 802. [ URL ] FM802 Twitter https://twitter.com/FM802_PR/status/1261598222708948994?s=20
- RADIO On May 17th, He appeared on FM COCOLO SUPER J-HITS RADIO [ URL ] SUPER J-HITS RADIO Twitter https://twitter.com/FMCOCOLO_SJR/status/1261989913995571200?s=20
- RADIO On May 18th, Kaze appeared on FM802 TACTY IN THE MORNING. [ URL ] TACTY IN THE MORNING Twitter https://twitter.com/TACTYfm802/status/1262192527056048129?s=20
- Livestream On May 18th, from 21:00, the HELP EVER HURT NEVER Listening Party was held. [ VIDEO LINK ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN-hkz8a8E4
- Announcement On May 19th, HELP EVER HALL TOUR Details were Announced. Hereinafter referred to as HEHT .[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1262402581034201090?s=20
- Release On May 20th, The first album, HELP EVER HURT NEVER was released. The First press editions included advance application tickets for JAZZ & PIANO 2020 and HELP EVER HALL TOUR. The limited first edition included “HELP EVER HURT COVER,” which is a collection of Western music covers performed solely using voice and piano, as well as a photo book.
- RADIO On May 20th, He appeared on FM 802 UPBEAT! [ URL ] FM802 Official Twitter https://twitter.com/FM802_PR/status/1262958395692376071?s=20
- RADIO On May 28th, Kaze appeared on FM 802 EVENING TAP. [ URL ] EVENING TAP Official Twitter https://twitter.com/FM802EVENINGTAP/status/1265969760568668160?s=20
- RADIO On May 29th, He appeared on FM802 FRIDAY Cruisin’ Map!! [ URL ] FRIDAY Cruisin’ Map!! Official Twitter https://twitter.com/CruisinMap802/status/1266216825743790080?s=20
- RADIO On May. 31st, The 3rd live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)” took place. [ URL ] All Night Nippon Twitter https://twitter.com/Ann_Since1967/status/1266687312676614145?s=20
Image Source [ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Photo Gallery https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/5b2161cf-e929-475b-baee-4ea4b36440fb
In Jun. Kaze’s one-man shows were canceled.
SHOWOn Jun. 4th, Fujii Kaze’s “NAN-NAN SHOW 2020” at Zepp Namba was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. - Birthday On Jun. 14th, Kaze turned 23. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZ0GxMFPjH/
- TV On Jun.17th, The Special program “HELP EVER HURT “COVER” SPECIAL” was broadcast on Space Shower TV. [ URL ] Space Shower TV Official Twitter https://twitter.com/spaceshowertv/status/1273148381293162496?s=20
- Zuzzu-san In the last week of Jun. Zuzzu-san decided to organize a Budokan show. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze App https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/5c7b625e-6d9c-483a-9956-0e074a9d40de
SHOWOn Jun. 26th, Fujii Kaze’s “NAN-NAN SHOW 2020” at Zepp Tokyo was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Jul. Kaze Invited Fans to Free Jazz Piano Concert.
- Zuzzu-san In early July, The staff at Hodo Station offered him to appear on the show. The program aired on September 22nd.
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Staff Daily https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/5c7b625e-6d9c-483a-9956-0e074a9d40de - NEWS On Jul. 14th, In the Recochoku ranking of new artists, “First Half Ranking 2020” in the download category and First place in the streaming category “First Half Subscratch Ranking 2020”. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1282872590130991105?s=20
Summer FestivalOn Jul. 18th, NUMBER SHOT 2020 in Fukuoka was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. - SHOW On Jul. 27th, “JAZZ & PIANO 2020” was held at JZ Brat SOUND OF TOKYO.
- SHOW On Jul. 29th, “JAZZ & PIANO 2020” was held at Umeda Always in Osaka. These “JAZZ & PIANO 2020” concerts were held in Tokyo and Osaka as a private event, and only 200 lucky winners who received a free entry ticket through a lottery that came with the HELP EVER HURT NEVER CD were invited to attend at each venue. Concerts were held twice a day. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1288485876301881344?s=20
In Aug. He was selected for “Artist On The Rise”
- VIDEO On Aug. 7th, Kaze has become the first Japanese artist to be chosen for YouTube’s “Artist On The Rise” campaign. [ VIDEO LINK ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VXAeSw3Upg
- Summer Festival On Aug. 22nd, Kaze appeared in an online version of Monster baSH that was streamed on YouTube. He covered Ketsumeishi’s “Memories of Summer” by playing the piano. [ URL ] Monster baSH Official Twitter https://twitter.com/MONSTERbaSH_/status/1295676853303181313?s=20
Artist On The Rese [ VIDEO LINK ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VXAeSw3Upg
In Sep. Kaze appeared on HODO STATION for the first time.
- SHOW On Sep. 3rd, Kaze performed at FM802 HEAVY ROTATION NIGHT
supported by Spotify Early Noise at BIGCAT in Osaka, and played with Vaundy for the first time. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtViAQlakK/ - RADIO On Sep. 3rd, He appeared on ROCK KIDS 802 OCHIKEN Goes ON!!. [ URL ] ROCK KIDS Twitter https://twitter.com/RK802STAFF/status/1298993393498877953?s=20
- RADIO On Sep. 4th, Kaze appeared on FM802 “FRIDAY Cruisin’ Map!!”. [ URL ] FRIDAY Cruisin’ Map!! Twitter https://twitter.com/CruisinMap802/status/1299223484023754752?s=20
- MV Announcement On Sep. 4th, The music video for “Kaerou” has been released, and a one-man live concert at Nippon Budokan on October 29 was announced during live streaming before the release of the MV. [ MV ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goU1Ei8I8uk
- RADIO On Sep. 8th, Kaze appeared on FM802’s UPBEAT! [ URL ] FM802 Twitter https://twitter.com/FM802_PR/status/1303148560955834370?s=20
- RADIO On Sep. 9th, He was on FM COCOLO MARK’E MUSIC MODE. [ URL ] MARK’S MUSIC MODE Twitter https://twitter.com/MARKEMUSICMODE/status/1303623902082392065?s=20
- RADIO On Sep. 10th, He appeared on FM802’s EVENING TAP. [ URL ] EVENING TAP Twitter https://twitter.com/FM802EVENINGTAP/status/1304017791301812224?s=20
- RADIO On Sep. 15th, Kaze was on FM802’s Poppin’FLAG!!! [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1301766080914845697?s=20
- RADIO On Sep. 16th, He appeared on FM802’s TACTY IN THE MORNING. [ URL ] TACTY IN THE MORNING Twitter https://twitter.com/TACTYfm802/status/1306008608388329475?s=20
Summer FestivalOn Sep. 20th and 21st, the SUPER SONIC 2020 in Osaka was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.- TV On Sep. 22nd, Kaze appeared on HODO STATION. 【Music that receives empathy during Coronavirus catastrophe – his philosophy on life and death】[ VIDEO ] YouTube ANNnewsCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCkm1BVNzF8
- Release On Sep. 23rd, HELP EVER HURT NEVER’s analog records were released. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1308757083186065409?s=20
- NEWS On Sep. 24th, His YouTube channel has surpassed 500,000 subscribers.
- Release On Sep. 30th, HELP EVER HURT NEVER’s official piano scores were released.[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1304328832724488193?s=20
In Oct. Kaze performed a one-man show at the Nippon Budokan.
- RADIO On Oct. 4th, J-WAVE SELECTION BEHIND THE MUSIC ~Fujii Kaze x Yaffle~ was aired. [ URL ] J-WAVE Official Twitter https://twitter.com/jwave_2019/status/1312624659150454785?s=20
- SHOW On Oct. 29th, Kaze performed a one-man concert at the Nippon Budokan. The concert was also live-streamed on MUSIC/SLASH. This was Kaze’s first concert at the Nippon Budokan. He was 23 years old. [ VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVnK9Kyr4A
- Release On Oct. 30th, Fujii Kaze App was released. [ URL ] Akatsuki Games Official Twitter https://twitter.com/AkatsukiGamesPR/status/1321797703295143936?s=20
- Release On Oct. 30th, “Seishun Sick” and “Hedemo Ne-Yo” were released. These are not EPs. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Hsy0FqrO/[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-HdPpljzQ/
Fujii Kaze “NAN-NAN SHOW 2020” HELP EVER HURT NEVER at NIPPON BUDOKAN live highlights [ VIDEO ] Fujii Kaze YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVnK9Kyr4A
In Nov. A famous singer covered a Kaze song for the first time.
- AWARD On Nov. 19th, “NAN-NAN” won the Best R&B Video Award at the 2020 MTV VMAJ Awards, which honor the top music videos of the year. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CHx2_SyF8YL/
- NEWS On Nov.25th, Japanese artist Miliyah Kato released a cover album titled “COVERS -WOMAN & MAN-,” which includes a cover of Fujii Kaze’s song “YASASHISA.” This marks the first time that Fujii Kaze’s music has been covered by another artist. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CIDAvsqlGQN/
In Dec. Kaze’s first hall tour began.
- MV On Dec. 4th, “Hedemo Ne-Yo”‘s music video premiered on YouTube. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagarm https://www.instagram.com/p/CIaxneShShd/
- Release On Dec. 4th, “Hedemo Ne-Yo” EP was Released.
1. Hedemo Ne-Yo
The following three songs are piano-arranged covers
2. Just the Two of Us
3. Sunny
4. Sorry
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1334521657453502464?s=20 - AWARD On Dec. 7th, Kaze won Best New Asian Artist Japan at the 2020 Mnet ASIA MUSIC AWARDS [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfoihOlzBa/
- Release On Dec. 11th, “Seishun Sick” EP was Released.
1. Seishun Sick
The following three songs are piano-arranged covers
2. Teenage Dream
3. Good As Hell
4. Circles
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1327538606265667584?s=20 - RADIO On Dec. 15th, He appeared in ROCK KIDS 802-OCHIKEN Goes ON!! [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/RK802STAFF/status/1338817927856865282?s=20
- NEWS On Dec. 19th, “Help Ever Hurt Never” was chosen as the number one album in the J-POP/popular song category for the year 2020 by the music magazine “Music Magazine”. [ URL ] Music Magazine Inc. Twitter https://twitter.com/MMRC_magazine/status/1338416437287784449?s=20
- HEHT On Dec. 25th, The first concert of the tour was held at Harmony Hall Zama in Zama, Kanagawa. HEHT stands for HELP EVER HALL TOUR.
- HEHT On Dec. 27th, at Misato City Cultural Hall in Misato, Saitama.
Image Source [ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Photo Gallery Hedemo Ne-Yo MV BTS https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/1983eb10-b436-41cc-ad7d-d77630078d9e
Continue to Simple Timeline 2.
For a rough chronology with commentary, go to “Chronological Timeline 1”
Fujii Kaze Official Website
Last Updated on Nov 22nd, 2024 by pochiaiko