Chronological Timeline2-First half of 2020-
This page is about a brief history of Fujii Kaze, accompanied by some comments. Please read this when you want to know the rough outline. For a detailed chronology, please go to “Simple Timeline 1.”
Chronological Timeline 1 Before his Debut is HERE.
In January, Kaze debuted with the music video for “NAN-NAN”
On Jan. 12th, The 2nd live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)” took place. |
藤井 風のオールナイトニッポン0
#藤井風ANN0 pic.twitter.com/T6lAHOjZQK
— Fujii Kaze Staff (@fujiikazestaff) January 11, 2020
Kaze replied to the listener who said, “The image quality of your cover video is terrible.” with the following: “I never intended to shoot a video of such poor quality. When I shoot a video using my iPhone’s built-in camera, the image quality is always poor. My iPhone may be broken; it has many holes.”
Also, when a girl who always jokes around in front of her boyfriend called him, he said, “I believe that couples who are unable to pass gas in each other’s presence are unlikely to have a long-lasting relationship.” Plus, he made the shocking statement, “I’ve never bought my own clothes. Seriously.”
On Jan. 24th, the music video for his debut song “NAN-NAN” was released. |
It was the day of Fujii Kaze’s debut.
Just before MV’s release, a live stream of about eight minutes was broadcasted on YouTube, and approximately 3,300 viewers watched it. The music video also premiered on the same platform. During the live stream, there was a scene where Zuzzu-san, his manager, pointed out that Kaze’s talk wasn’t to the point. Zuzzu-san asked him, “Can you talk about NAN-NAN’s music video?”
The manager, Mr. Kawazu, a.k.a. Zuzzu-san, wrote an insider’s story about the music videos for “NAN-NAN” and “MO-EH-WA” in the Fujii Kaze App. [ URL ] https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/301ce18f-6429-43c8-b0b3-69dae8fa6302
The director of this music video is Mr. Chris Rudz. [ URL ] https://chrisrudz.com/
“NAN-NAN EP” was digitally released on the same day. It consists of four songs: “NAN-NAN” and three covers of Western music sung with the piano.
2. Close to you
3. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
4. Shake It Off
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1220224439985401857
“MO-EH-WA EP” also included cover songs, but these English cover versions initially required payment for downloading. These songs were unavailable for streaming at that time. His Western music covers were included in the “HELP EVER HURT COVER” on the first edition of the debut album “HELP EVER HURT NEVER”, later. These cover songs were released for streaming on May 20th, 2021, one year after the release of Kaze’s debut album.
From a post on the day of his debut. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B75bm4WF2i9/
Report on the MV version of the “NAN-NAN” from New York by RuiRui-san
This is a detailed report by RuiRui-san, a Kazetarian living in the suburbs of New York, on the location of the “NAN-NAN” music video. If you are going on a tour of sacred places, please refer to this report.
In February, “MO-EH-WA” MV and EP were released.
On Feb. 21st, The music video for Kaze’s 2nd single, “MO-EH-WA”, was released. |
Shortly prior to the release of the MV, a live stream lasting approximately nine minutes was streamed on YouTube, attracting an audience of around 2,250 viewers. The music video also premiered on the same platform. Kaze said, “Last time, my live-streaming was shit. I’m going to make it even shittier this time.”
Also, after the music video shoot was finished, he explained, “I was told to imagine the crowd as potatoes and I did my best to act that way.”
The director of the music video is Mr. Spikey John.
“MO-EH-WA EP” was digitally released on the same day. It consists of four songs: “MO-EH-WA” and three covers of Western music sung with the piano.
2. Shape Of you
3. Back Stabbers
4. Be Alright
[ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1230493104383262720
“NAN-NAN” EP and “MO-EH-WA” EP achieved first place in the iTunes album category. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1230555508613865472
Since March, seven festivals that Kaze was scheduled to perform at have been either canceled or postponed.
As a digression, the former best DJ in the world was jealous of Kaze. “I don’t want to meet him because I love him too much.” |
プロント35周年アンバサダーに CreepyNutsが就任し、
期間は2月28日まで!皆さん是非お越しくださいませ〜!詳細はこちら▼https://t.co/KV9rPa1VBI pic.twitter.com/gDhMVMA9l7
— DJ 松永(Creepy Nuts) (@djmatsunaga) February 1, 2023
↑The left side of the photo shows Mr. DJ Matsunaga of Creepy Nuts.
On March 4th, DJ Matsunaga revealed on the radio that he loves Kaze and is very jealous of him. It’s a well-known story that since Kaze’s debut, Mr. Matsunaga has openly expressed his admiration as a devoted fan. Mr. Matsunaga won the DJ championship, specifically the Battle Section of the “DMC WORLD DJ CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS 2019.
From the Radiko Inc. news page (It’s a Japanese article, but it’s interesting.)
In April, Kaze’s 3rd single “YASASHISA” was released.
On Apr. 17th, “YASASHISA” MV and digital single were released. |
The music video and the digital single of “YASASHISA” were released. It was live-streamed just before the release. Around 6,400 people watched the live stream. He expressed that when he came up with the album title “HELP EVER HURT NEVER”, he wondered if such a long title would work, but his staff liked it.
Also, he revealed, “Actually, I made this necklace using a bath plug chain that I bought friom a DIY store,” and Zuzzu-san reacted to him, “Don’t tell us that!” This is Kaze’s famous necklace made from a bath plug chain.
The director is Mr. Kento Yamada.
“YASASHISA” was digitally released on the same day. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Staff Twitter https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff/status/1250628408272285698
The shooting location was Helena Resort Iwaki, a resort facility in Fukushima Prefecture that has been used by many artists.
This isn’t official information, but I post it on this blog because it is quite apparent.
On Apr. 26th, “Piano Live Streaming Day1” was held. |
![]() The tracksuit that Kaze is wearing is one he wore when he was in Okayama Jyoto High School, with his name “Fujii” on it. Kazetarians refer to it as the “Green Pants” and we love it dearly. |
In May, Kaze’s first album was released.
On May 6th, “Piano Live Streaming Day2” was held. |
![]() After he sang “Cho Si Noccha Te'” with the piano on this live stream, he said, “I want you to listen to this song on CD ASAP, as it is a ‘Surume’ song.” “Surume” is a dried squid. “Surume” is a tasty snack that tastes better the more you chew it. So, a “Surume” song is a song that exhibits a deeper impression the more you listen to it. |
On May 14th, he appeared on ROCK KIDS 802 OCHIKEN Goes ON!! |
今夜の #RK802 は…📡<10時台>
先月の #FM802 ヘビーローテーションアーティスト
【 藤井 風 】が 東京のスタジオから生出演📻新曲『#キリがないから』独占O.Aもあり⚡︎
コチラから▶︎https://t.co/C813ZagUCN#藤井風 #fujiikaze pic.twitter.com/5zZU5dgkwx— FM802【 ROCK KIDS 802 OCHIKEN Goes ON!! 】 (@RK802STAFF) May 14, 2020
Kaze and Radio DJ Mr. Kentaro Ochiai regularly talk to each other in English on this program. At this time, Kaze said that He had never seen a man who has no sense of direction more than himself. Also, he said that the first CD he ever bought was Gwen Stefani’s second album, “The Sweet Escape.” At the end of the program, Kaze fulfilled Mr. Ochiai’s request by playing “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana. |
On May 15th, “Kiri Ga Naikara” MV was release. |
![]() He said, “Today, I had curry bread and curry rice. I am a curry lover.” and “If I take off my glasses, I can’t read anything.” |
The director of this MV is Mr. Kento Yamada, a.k.a. Dutch-san, who is one of the most famous video directors in Japan. Dutch-san directed the MVs for “Yasashisa,” “Kiri Ga Naikara,” “Hedemo Ne-Yo,” “Tabiji,” and “damn,” as well as some live performances of Kaze. He has been involved with many of Kaze’s works. (Dutch-san appeared in “Tabiji” Behind The Scenes and Fujii Kaze: Behind “damn.” Fujii Kaze YouTube [ “Tabiji” Behind The Scenes ] https://youtu.be/XXgzrn1-fn0) [ Fujii Kaze: Behind “damn” ] https://youtu.be/YI_ZjfQGtqE
This is Dutch-san’s Twitter account. ↓
本当に車浮いちゃったわ。@FujiiKaze pic.twitter.com/wqvAoJugtr— 山田 健人 せ (@dutch_tokyo) May 14, 2020
On May 18th, the Listening Party was held. |
![]() On the 18th at 21:00, the Listening Party was live-streamed two days before the release date of “HELP EVER HURT NEVER.” At the end of the live stream (around 54:30 min.), Kaze announced that the official online merchandise store would be open. When the merchandise sales began, they were sold out instantly and the servers went down. |
On May 20th, the first album “HELP EVER HURT NEVER” was released. |
ネクブレ待ったなし!!今、最も注目すべきシンガーソングライター藤井風ファーストアルバム『HELP EVER HURT NEVER』本日入荷!!初回盤DISC2には”Piano arranged covers”を11曲収録◎#CD入荷情報 #フラゲ日https://t.co/wiQBGTkiCC pic.twitter.com/1KHR79GNmV— タワーレコード鈴鹿店 (@TOWER_Suzuka) May 19, 2020
The CDs of “HELP EVER HURT NEVER” were lined up in CD shops all around Japan. Also, details of the “HELP EVER HALL TOUR,” which was Kaze’s first tour, were announced on the 19th.
The first edition consists of 2 CDs. The other CD, “COVER,” consists of 11 songs.
1. Close To You
2. Shape Of You
3. Back Stabbers
4. Alfie
5. Be Alright
6. Beat It
7. Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood
8. My Eyes Adored You
9. Shake It Off
10. Stronger Than Me
11. Time After Time
“HELP EVER HURT NEVER”‘s self-liner notes are in Fujii Kaze App. [ URL ] Fujii Kaze App Staff Dialy https://fujiikaze.c-rayon.app/tabs/contents/contents-blog-detail/115334ed-6d81-44d4-ac11-21255cac8fbe
On May 27th, “HELP EVER HURT NEVER” was ranked No. 1 in the overall album category by Billboard JAPAN.[ URL ] Billboard JAPAN Twitter https://twitter.com/Billboard_JAPAN/status/1265538521508589576
【#藤井風】#タワレコメン 選出の大注目!!
オンラインからでもご購入いただけます!→ https://t.co/WdLR4MCSVt pic.twitter.com/dwWekHdO54— タワーレコード静岡店 (@TOWER_Shizuoka) May 19, 2020
On May 31st, the 2nd live broadcast of the radio show “Fujii Kaze’s All Night Nippon 0 (Zero)” took place. |
今夜27時からは「藤井 風のオールナイトニッポン0」
またまた藤井 風がANN0に帰ってきます!✏️藤井 風のリモート音楽講座
📻 https://t.co/iQUAjEeyae#藤井風ANN0 pic.twitter.com/wzVOXl3i4M— オールナイトニッポン (@Ann_Since1967) May 30, 2020
A 15-year-old girl told Kaze, “I’m giving my father the cold shoulder,” and he left a powerful quote, “You should think that your parents could die today.” In a segment where he responded to music questions on the keyboard, he tackled challenging inquiries like, “Can you provide a jazz-style rendition of a radio calisthenics music?”
One listener asked Kaze, “What should I do when my 1-year-old niece forgets me and cries every time I see her?” and he responded naturally, “Every time I saw my niece, she burst into tears with a fierce look. I couldn’t help but wonder why she doesn’t love me, even though I love her very much?” |
In June, Kaze’s special program was broadcasted.
On Jun. 14th, Kaze celebrated his 23rd birthday. |
![]() [ URL ] Fujii Kaze Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZ0GxMFPjH/ This is not official information, but it appears to be a HARBS mille crepe. HARBS, which is a Japanese cafe, is also in New York. [ URL ] HARBS https://www.harbsnyc.com/ |
Kaze’s one-man shows scheduled on June 4th at Zepp Namba (Osaka) and June 26th at Zepp Tokyo were also canceled due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.
On Jun. 17th, “HELP EVER HURT ‘COVER’ SPECIAL” aired. |
🗓6/17(水)23:00~23:30 #藤井風(@FujiiKaze)の演奏やヒストリートークは必見!
貴重で贅沢な30分をお楽しみに✨#スペシャ— スペースシャワーTV (@spaceshowertv) June 16, 2020
If you read this tweet on Twitter, ↑ you will be able to watch the video.
About the SPACE SHOWER TV ****************** Kaze said, “The first piece of music I was able to play on the piano when I was two or three years old was Schumann’s ‘First Loss’.” Plus, he said that “Time After Time” was his lullaby and this song was his starting point and hometown. And, he performed this song at the end of the program. |
Continue to Chronology Timeline 3
Fujii Kaze Official Website
Last Updated on Nov 22nd, 2024 by pochiaiko