CEO of JVKE’s Japanese label talks about “golden hour” on the radio
A collaboration between JVKE and Fujii Kaze, “golden hour (Fujii Kaze Remix),” has been released. Mr. Yoshiaki Tsushima, CEO of origami PRODUCTIONS/ASTERI, made an appearance on the J-WAVE radio program “SONAR MUSIC” during the night broadcast in Japan on April 25, 2023. Here is an English translation of what Mr. Tsushima said in the program.
Last Updated on Jun 18th.
という事で本日22:00〜J-WAVE SONAR MUSICに出ます。
さらさの火をつけてに加え、JVKE×藤井 風のお話もしようと思います!
ぜひ聴いてください。https://t.co/wByCTzCI6r pic.twitter.com/GtIMSbjU22— Yoshi Tsushima (CEO of origami PRODUCTIONS/ASTERI) (@Yoshi_origami) April 25, 2023
ASTERI is the Japanese label of JVKE.
💙 JVKE × 藤井 風 💙
JVKE「golden hour (Fujii Kaze Remix)」
本日 4/21(金) 電撃リリース⚡️⚡️⚡️
世界各国のアーティストコラボでさまざまなヴァージョンが存在する @jvkesongs のgolden hour。このコラボシリーズに藤井 風の参加が決定🌐🤝💞
🦋 https://t.co/mL0edoE3O0 pic.twitter.com/Rqx3TTnNeF
— ASTERI ENTERTAINMENT (@asteri_ent) April 20, 2023
Mr. Tsushima: When we first talked about rearranging in Japan, “golden hour” had already been rearranged in more than 10 different patterns with various countries. JVKE collaborated with people from all over the world on “golden hour”. There was a song called “golden hour” in various languages and with various melodies.
A representative from JVKE asked me, “We think it would be interesting to collaborate with a Japanese artist in developing this in Japan. Who would you recommend?” Our team replied, “Wouldn’t it be great if they collaborated with Fujii Kaze?” and we got excited on our own. When I told America, “Fujii Kaze is here,” JVKE contacted Kaze directly. He liked Kaze when we told him. I thought JVKE’s energy was amazing. Then Mr.Fujii seemed to respond to JVKE, and the two of them had a conversation after that, without regard for us or anything else. It appears that their collaboration simply began that way, as things tend to do. Perhaps JVKE reached out to Kaze on social media, but I’m not entirely sure of the specifics.
There were already various versions of golden hour, so for Kaze, it would be like a transfer student who suddenly walks into a class and goes after it. I thought he would be very nervous, but when I listened to it, I realized that while there were still a lot of “Kaze-isms” in it, he understood JVKE’s golden hour and changed the melody and rhythm subtly while still staying close to it. So when I heard it I thought he was a real genius. It gave me goosebumps and I thought, “Wow, this is amazing.”
On June 18th, JVKE shared this video on Instagram, and I included it in this blog.
Fujii Kaze Official Site
Photos by Игорь Левченко of Pixabay
Last Updated on Nov 22nd, 2024 by pochiaiko